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12 Surprising Ways to Use Old Mini Blinds

Abigail Sawyer | 14 May 2014 | DIY Projects

When you lot upgrade window treatments, the onetime blinds don't accept to go straight to the trash. Nor practise your free blinds samples that you order when picking out your favorite color.

Some scrap metal and recycling centers accept window blinds, but we got a few ideas for repurposing them in club to requite them a 2d life.


ane. Clean Up Crumbs

Like a waiter at a fancy restaurant, use a small aluminum blind slat slice to scoop crumbs off of the table.


2. Pick Up (The Tape) Where You Left Off

Don't waste product time trying to find the finish of the tape. A small mini blinds piece will agree your place and doesn't waste record like folding over the end does.


iii. Depict A Straight Line Around a Bend

Considering slats are flexible, they can wrap around chair legs or curves and keep a straight line.

Use blinds to draw straight on a curve

4. Rescue Out-Of-Reach Items

Employ a long mini bullheaded slat to swipe lost items out from betwixt cabinets or under furniture.


5. Create A Cascade Spout

Tuck a pocket-sized strip into the mouth of a jar or bottle for instant pourability.


6. Clean Paint Tin Grooves

When you're finished with your painting project, get extra paint back in the can with a mini blinds "scoop."


vii. Spread Out Gum

Whether you're in the workshop or crafting with the kids, a blinds slat acts equally the perfect spreader and keeps fingers clean.

Use old mini blinds to spread glue

8. Make Garden Markers

Never mix up parsley and cilantro once again! Blinds become reusable garden labels with a little chalkboard paint.

Sentinel the video to see how it's done.

Chalkboard garden marker from blinds slat plant

9. Pigment Inside The Lines

Former mini blinds are a not bad replacement for painters tape when you are doing quick painting impact ups. Use ane slat at a fourth dimension and switch out for a dry one on each new section.

Painting tip with blinds slats

10. Weave A Storage Box

Old vinyl mini blinds can be woven into useful baskets. Follow these step-by-step instructions.

woven basket made of blinds

11. Make A Funky Chandelier

An artist made this curly chandelier from aluminum blinds on TLC'south Craft Wars.

Chandelier made from mini blidns

12. Make A Starburst Mirror

Talk well-nigh trash to treasure! Turn 5 sets of mini blinds into stylish wall art with this tutorial.

Starburst mirror made from mini blinds

Tried these ideas but still take tons of blinds left? Learn how to recycle blinds and shades responsibly.

Have Old Blinds That Demand Replacing?

Bali Draperies and Roman Shades

We've got window coverings for every style and budget available at

Classic Woods Blinds are a safe choice that'll e'er look timeless. Attempt Roman Shades in a daring print if you lot want an center-catching look.

Meet what'due south on sale this calendar month!

  • Nearly Writer

    Abigail Sawyer is the Manager of Social Media Marketing for She'southward a home improvement junkie who is currently restoring a 1972 cottage with the help of her married man and goldendoodle, Biscuit. Walking in the footsteps of Martha Stewart, she'southward happiest when she's crafting or whipping up a new recipe; although goose egg beats crimper up with a good book and some Girl Scout Cookies. Follow her on twitter + instagram at @whatabigailsaw

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