
Pentaho Report Designer Tool Download

Install the BA design tools

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There are two methods for installing the Business Analytics (BA) design tools.

You can use either of these methods:

  • The Pentaho Business Analytics Installation Wizard
  • Install each separate tool manually.

Choose an installation method

Review the following table to determine which installation method is best for you.

NoteMake sure your users can write to the directory where you install the Pentaho suite.

Design Tools Installation Decision Table
Method: Pentaho Wizard Installation Manual Installation

The Pentaho Business Analytics Installation Wizard is the easiest way to install design tools, utilities, or plugins on the server or client workstations.

Use this method for evaluating the Pentaho Suite and for rapid development.

The manual method allows you to manually copy design tool installation files to any directory on the server or client workstations.

Use this method for rapid development.

Expertise: Basic computer knowledge. Basic computer knowledge.

Each method takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Explore Considerations Requirements
You Supply

As specified in the Components Reference each of the following items:

  • Computer with a supported operating system and hardware configuration.
  • Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK).
We Supply
  • Installation Package
  • Basic computer knowledge.
  • Root or Administrative access.
Approximate Installation Time 5 - 10 minutes per client tool

Install tools with the Installation Wizard

The Pentaho Business Analytics Installation Wizard is the preferred method for installing BA design tools.

  1. Run the Pentaho Business Analytics Installation Wizard according to the instructions in the Evaluation Installation of the Pentaho Suite.

    Be sure to perform the following steps while running the wizard.
  2. On the Setup Type window, select the Let me decide for myself option.

  3. When the Pentaho Applications window displays during the installation process, select any combination of the following BA design tools:

    • Reporting Design Tools
    • Analysis Design Tools
  4. When the installation wizard is complete, start the tools using one of the following ways:

    • Windows: Select the tool you want to start from the Start menu.
    • Linux: Open a Terminal window, then navigate to ~/pentaho/design-tools/ and launch the tool.
    • Mac: Navigate to the Applications/pentaho/design-tools/ and double-click the file.

Perform a manual installation of the BA design tools

To manually install design tools, follow these steps.

NoteIf you want to install the Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition plugin, skip these steps and see Install the Analysis Enterprise Edition plugin section instead.

Step 1: Download files

You can download installation files from either of these locations:

  • from the Pentaho website (download the file, then follow the instructions listed on the site.)
  • from the Pentaho Customer Support Portal


  1. On the Customer Portal home page, sign in using the Pentaho support user name and password provided in your Pentaho Welcome Packet.

  2. Click Downloads, then click Pentaho 9.1 GA Release in the 9.x list.

  3. On the bottom of the Pentaho 9.1 GA Release page, click the Client Tools folder in the Box widget.

    A list of folders appears corresponding to each client tool. Click each folder to access and download the following files.

    • Aggregation Designer Design Tool:
    • Metadata Editor Design Tool:
    • Schema Workbench Design Tool:
    • Report Designer Design Tool:

    NoteFor prd-ee Mac OS customers, the unique file is included as part of the prd-ee package.

Step 2: Unpack the files

Unpack the files by completing these steps.


  1. Use a ZIP tool to extract the file you just downloaded.

    CautionDo not use Unarchiver 3.3 to unzip files; it may corrupt the plugin file names.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window or a Terminal window and navigate to the folder that contains the files you just extracted.

  3. Depending on your operating system, enter one of the following commands at the prompt.

    • Windows: install.bat
    • Linux: ./
  4. Read the license agreement that appears. Select Accept, then click Done.

    NoteIf you are unpacking the file in a non-graphical environment, open a Terminal window or a Command Prompt window and type java -jar install.jar -console and follow the instructions presented in the window.

  5. Specify where you want the file to be unpacked.

    This location can be temporary because you will be manually placing the files in the appropriate directories later in these instructions.

  6. Click the Next button. The Installation in Progress window appears.

  7. When the installation progress is complete, click Quit to exit the Unpack Wizard.

Step 3: Install the design tools

Complete the following steps to install the Aggregation Designer, Metadata Editor, Report Designer, or Schema Workbench Design Tools.


  1. Create a directory for installing your design tools.

    NoteFor publishing reports, models, and schemas created with the design tools, we recommend you install the design tools in a directory on a workstation or server that is on the same network as the Pentaho Server.

    If you are unsure of the directory in which to install the design tools, we suggest that you create a Pentaho directory and design-tools subdirectory on your workstation and install the design tools there. If you choose this option, the directory path should look like the following:

  2. Verify that you have the appropriate permissions to read, write, and execute commands in the directories you created.

  3. Extract the design tool installation file(s) to the design-tools directory.

    As you extract the installation files, directories which hold the design tools are created.

    • Aggregation Designer: pentaho/design-tools/aggregation-designer
    • Metadata Editor: pentaho/design-tools/metadata-editor
    • Report Designer: pentaho/design-tools/report-designer
    • Schema Workbench: pentaho/design-tools/schema-workbench

(Optional) Install the Analysis Enterprise Edition plugin

AUDIENCE: Advanced Mondrian users who want to distribute cached data across a self-managed cluster of peers.

The Analysis Enterprise Edition Plugin is distributed as a set of JAR archives and configuration files which must be deployed alongside an existing Mondrian installation. This plugin contains Analysis engine enhancements for large ROLAP deployments. When this JAR archive is deployed properly, it will register new features and make them available to Mondrian. For more information about using this plugin with Mondrian, see Mondrian cache control.

Follow the instructions below to install the Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition package:


  1. If you have not already done so, retrieve the file from the Pentaho website.

  2. Unpack the file to a temporary location.

  3. Stop the Pentaho Server if it is running.

  4. Copy the following JARs from the /pentaho-analysis-ee/lib/ directory to the /tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.

    • pentaho-analysis-ee-core-9.1.0-obf.jar
    • infinispan-commons-8.2.5.Final.jar
    • infinispan-core-8.2.5.Final.jar
    • jboss-logging-3.3.0.GA.jar
    • jboss-marshalling-osgi-1.4.10.Final.jar
    • jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec-1.0.1.Final.jar
    • jgroups-3.6.7.Final.jar
    • memcached-0.0.1-PENTAHO.jar
  5. Copy all the configuration files (listed in the following table) from /pentaho-analysis-ee/config/ to the /tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.

    File Description
    pentaho-analysis-config.xml Defines the global behavior of the Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition plugin. Settings in this file enable you to define which segment cache configuration to use, and to turn off the segment cache altogether.
    infinispan-config.xml The InfinispanSegmentCache settings file. It configures the Infinispan system.
    jgroups-tcp.xml Configures the cluster backing the Infinispan cache. It defines how the nodes find each other and how they communicate. By default, Pentaho uses TCP and multicast discovery, which enables you to run many instances on a single machine or many instances on many machines. (There are examples of other communication setups included in the JAR archive.) This file is referenced by infinispan as specified in the infinispan-config.xml configuration file.
    memcached-config.xml Configures the Memcached-based segment cache. It is not used by default. To enable it, modify SEGMENT_CACHE_IMPL in: pentaho-analysis-config.xml
  6. Depending on the installation type, there would not be a pentaho.war file.

    In archive-based installations and executable-based installations, the pentaho.war is already deployed and the application will show as: /tomcat/webapps/pentaho/
  7. Remove the temporary pentaho-analysis-ee directory.

  8. To enable the segment cache plugin, first follow the installation steps above.

    Once complete, open the file WEB-INF/classes/pentaho-analysis-config.xml and set the following property:

    <entry key="USE_SEGMENT_CACHE">true</entry>                  
    For more details see:


Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition is now installed with the default Infinispan configuration.

Pentaho Report Designer Tool Download


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